Air Products, Inc.
Comcast/NBC Universal
M & T Bank
McLean Contributionship
Michael Baker Corporation
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Orris C. & Beatrice Dewey Hirtzel Memorial Foundation
Quandel Construction Group, Inc.
Saul Ewing, LLP
Stevens & Lee
West Pharmaceutical Services
First Risk Advisors (UnitedHealthcare Student Resources)
Journey Education Marketing, Inc.
McFeely-Rogers Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation
Snyder’s-Lance, Inc.
Tanner Industries, Inc.
UGI Corporation
WasteStrategies, LLC
Wood-Mode, Inc.
Yaffe & Company, Inc.
Alpin J. & Alpin W. Cameron Memorial Fund
Baker Tilly
Ballard Spahr, LLP
Barley Snyder
Constellation Energy
Day & Zimmerman, Inc.
Federated Investors, Inc.
Heyl & Patterson, Inc.
J. P. Morgan Chase
Parkhurst Dining Services
Utility Solutions, Inc.
Barton Education
Blackboard Inc.
Century Engineering
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Daily Express, Inc.
Farmers & Merchants Trust Company
First American Education Finance
Isaly Dairy Company Charitable Trust
Kinsley Construction
L. F. Driscoll Company, LLC
Lititz Mutual Insurance Company
Nason Construction
Nitterhouse Concrete Products
PFM Group
RLPS Architects/RLPS Interiors
UTZ Quality Foods, Inc.
The Benecon Group
Breslin Ridyard Fadero Architects
Brown Advisory
Conrad Siegel Actuaries & Investment Advisors
Eastern Pennsylvania Supply
IPR International
Murray Associates Architects
Nestor Charitable Foundation
St. Moritz Building Services, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Tucker Arensberg, PC
Vantage Technology Consulting Group
Legacy Donors
Honoring the generous donors to AICUP whose long-term commitment benefits independent higher education.
Day & Zimmermann, Inc. 49
L.F. Driscoll Co., LLC 47
Alpin J. Alpin W. Cameron Memorial 43
UTZ Quality Foods, Inc. 42
UPS Foundation 41
Wood-Mode Incorporated 41
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation 41
Eastern Pennsylvania Supply 40
Katherine Mabis McKenna Foundation, Inc. 40
Nitterhouse Concrete Products 40
Farmers & Merchants Trust Co. 36
Nestor Charitable Fund 35
West Pharmaceutical Services 30
AICUP’s dedicated and generous donors are the reason why we can offer our member institutions scholarship opportunities, advocacy and support, and thorough research on the news and insights that matter most to them. Please take some time to explore the businesses, industries, and charitable foundations making an impact.
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